Ten Pieces About Space is the first public presentation of new works by Osmo Nadir, that introduce entirely new medium embracing kinetic art, design and sound.
The exhibition, taking place between 14 May to 7 June, is divided into two parts. The first one, Tales of Stupidity, is devoted to paradoxes of intelligent life. The second part, Rhythms, goes far into interstellar space, telling the history of the eternal and infinite Space. In Ten Pieces About Space, problems of humanity have been presented among processes that last billions of years. It is an attempt to tame the temporariness of human existence in Space.
Tales of Stupidity
Planet Earth is ruled by those who possess the largest financial capital. The Tales refer to the features of self-aware organisms that have shaped the order of life in this corner of the Universe. It is a picture of idle observation of a dying planet where intelligent life has evolved. Local problems are presented from a distance, as if we watched them through a telescope installed in a faraway galaxy.
This part of the exhibition consists of seven works from the new series, titled Rhythms. Rhythms are motion pictures. They are also seven independent stories of the formation of order and chaos in the cosmos, narrated by motion and sound. Each image is coupled with a unique musical composition. With Rhythms, Osmo Nadir introduces a completely new medium, engulfing kinetic art, design, illustration and sound. The Rhythms’ front plates with cleverly arranged apertures unhook the clang of mysterious dance of rotating discs and eccentricities taking place beneath. The motion is inseparably intertwined with static composition of the artworks. On the border of hearing, sight and touch, entirely new spaces emerge.
Tracks presented at the event will be issued on an exclusive music album.