The mere knowledge that our time is limited is what creates the urge to live and act.
Rhythm 1 aka Lifetime of an Organism has been awarded a special mention at KNAF – Leszek Knaflewski’s Award. Rhythm 1 is a kinetic-sound installation. The work confronts you with two of the greatest illusions of human civilisation. The first is a common misconception that elevates man above the kingdom of animals. The second is the illusion of life as a linear narrative. We are extremely attached to closed narrative forms that have a beginning, middle and end. However, this is not the case in real life. Death comes unexpectedly, finding us in the midst of chaos of unfinished issues and unrealised goals. Bringing life to the form of a universal timeline equals human life with the life of a dog, a microbe or a robot.

You may find the confrontation disturbing and peaceful at the same time. As Neil deGrasse Tyson once said in an interview by Larry King, the mere knowledge that our time is limited is what creates the urge to live and act.

The exhibition took place on 21 Sep – 4 Nov 2018 and was held by Galeria Miejska Arsenał in Poznań. It was the first edition of a series of events commemorating Leszek “KNAF” Knaflewski (1960-2014), a Polish audiovisual artist, photographer, author of films, paintings, installations and audio performance and a professor at the University of Arts in Poznań.